Thursday, April 7, 2011

Precious Gem Infused M-State Gold Spirit Water

Artesian Spirit Water is an enchanted, special brew. It comes from a place deep within. It will take you to places you have never been and to places you have always wanted to go. It's a combination of monoatomic elements and the incredibly powerful vibrational properties of precious gemstones. Artesian Spirit Water is M-State Gold and more. It's the power of wet Ormus, without the enormus after taste. This is pure artesian spring water: high spun, magnetically vortexed and blessed sacred water. This water is for your mind, body and soul. This water is for you.

Each batch of Artesian Spirit Water is hand-made and blessed with integrity and intent to bring the best of life to you. This is a very unique product that must be experienced to be truly understood. I find that life is about enrichment. Vibrancy. Depth. Artesian Spirit Water enhances those qualities and brings to you monoatomic elements, without the bad taste that can be found in many Ormus products. I invite you to give it a try. I think you will find that it will be a powerful addition to your life.

For more information on the vibrational properties of the gemstones and crystals that are used to charge Artesian Spirit water, visit the Gemstone Library.

To learn more about the creational process of this must have water, visit Living Water Creation.

This sacred golden water could be what your body and soul have been missing!

Order NOW!

To order, click on the drop down menu below and choose how many
bottles you would like to order, then click on the BUY NOW button.

Purchasing Options


Price includes free shipping within the continental US.!

We Do not ship out of the USA.
If you need other payment or shipping options, please contact me.

Receiving Your Artesian Spirit Water

Your water will be shipped, wrapped in foil to protect it from the dangers that can befall ORMEs (orbitally rearranged monoatomic elements) while in transit. There will also be an Amber gemstone wrapped inside the foil to help aid in protecting the vibrational energy of the product.

When you receive your water, it is important to welcome it and give thanks and appreciation that it is now a part of your life. It's best if when you take your water, you can spend some time in meditation or in a quiet environment. I enjoy being in nature while either enjoying the sounds of my surroundings, or even sometimes listening to music. But if you do decide to listen to music, be sure it is appropriate to what you intend on receiving from the water. I prefer music tuned to 528 Hz. But that's just me. I have grown to feel the dissonance created from standard tuned music of 440 Hz.

If you have never taken an Ormus product before, you should start off with small amounts. You will need to let your being become acquainted with its new visitors. I recommend that everyone start off with only a 1/4 ounce (about ½ tablespoon) once or twice per day until you are stable. After that, you can increase your intake if you feel you are ready. But it is important to remember that we are all different and we all respond in our own unique way to the arrival of m-state elements in our bodies. Just go slow. There is no rush. Just let it be. Open yourself to what gifts it will bring you. Please be very aware that these little ORMEs will tend to amplify exactly who and what you are and what vibrational patterns you are aligned with, so be sure this is exactly and precisely what you want to do.

Once you have taken in the water, let it wallow in your mouth and enjoy its connection with you. Then swallow. I find it very potent to have strong intentions for what you want to receive from the water while ingesting it. Then allow the light elements to flow through you. Allow them to take you away. Close your eyes and feel them flow all around you. You can control them with practice. Move them throughout your body and let the goodness flow through you. Let them burst through your heart chakra and crown chakra areas. Move them down your spine for an incredible surge of light energy. They are yours and they connect you to higher experiences in life. Use them to bring an abundance of goodness into your life. That's the incredible thing about these little ORMEs, they give us all what we need and that is different for all of us and it may not be what you think it is.

Understand that this incredible water will react differently for each and every one of us. Some may feel its power is overwhelming, while others may think they feel nothing at all. It will give you exactly and precisely what you want and desire. It is yours to control, and it will open paths that you never expected, yet were buried within you all along.

Welcome home.

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